
Showing posts from March, 2022

I am so glad you are here

  Am I worthy to be in college? Am I worthy of financial aid? What makes it so? When I was in the military I suffered a brain injury that makes it very difficult for me to remember things. As a partially disabled veteran, the VA sometimes offers financial support for re-education. When I contacted them to ask for money to go back to college, the first thing they asked was what disabilities I had. After I explained my head injury the lady said to me "Don't you think an education would be wasted on you? Instead, volunteer for one of our business partners for a year, and if you do well, we will try to find you a paying job, like fast food." My reply was simple. "No, I don't think I am a waste of an education. Thank you for your time." I could not hang up that phone fast enough to silence the naysayers. I may not achieve the highest GPA in my class, but I certainly can learn enough to make a contribution to society. I am worthy. This semester I have one class t...