I am so glad you are here


Am I worthy to be in college? Am I worthy of financial aid? What makes it so? When I was in the military I suffered a brain injury that makes it very difficult for me to remember things. As a partially disabled veteran, the VA sometimes offers financial support for re-education. When I contacted them to ask for money to go back to college, the first thing they asked was what disabilities I had. After I explained my head injury the lady said to me "Don't you think an education would be wasted on you? Instead, volunteer for one of our business partners for a year, and if you do well, we will try to find you a paying job, like fast food." My reply was simple. "No, I don't think I am a waste of an education. Thank you for your time." I could not hang up that phone fast enough to silence the naysayers. I may not achieve the highest GPA in my class, but I certainly can learn enough to make a contribution to society. I am worthy.

This semester I have one class that I continue to do very poorly in, despite perfect attendance and reading all the material. I will admit that for a moment I thought, "If I get a bad grade, I may lose my scholarship." I feared that I may not be worthy to someone else. Once again I had to quickly silence the naysayer, only this time it was me. No matter what, I have self-worth, and I will find a way to get the education I want and that I know I deserve, scholarship or no. If I need to retake a class, that is ok too. I chose to simply enjoy and appreciate the learning experience. After all, I am here to learn, not to obtain a certain GPA. 

In one of our STEM classes, my fellow students and I all went around sharing some of our fears of "not enough." I was in a room full of very bright, talented, driven people, and yet quickly realized that we all sometimes worried about not being enough, but they all faced their fears and showed up with determination in their hearts. I believe we will all make it because, despite our shortcomings, whatever they may be, we have strength of spirit and the support of others. When I walk into my STEM class, I look at all the faces and think, "They will all make the world a better place. I am so glad they are here." We can and we will. We are worthy. Believe it.


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